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CART L 01 AC 1 Rapid Desk extension for CART L 01 B

Item No.: GCARTL01AC1
Upgrade the CART L 01 B to a rolling table
Easy assembly
Quickly ready for use
To be used in conjunction with CART L 01 B and KS RD 1

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Upgrade the CART L 01 B to a rolling table
Easy assembly
Quickly ready for use
To be used in conjunction with CART L 01 B and KS RD 1
Turn your Gravity® CART into a mobile workspace!

With the Rapid Desk extension CART L 01 AC 1, you can transform your CART L 01 B together with the Rapid Desk (KS RD 1) into a stable, mobile work surface in no time at all.

The extension is made of powder-coated steel and - like all Gravity® stands - extremely stable and robust. In combination with the Rapid Desk (KS RD 1), a generous maximum load capacity of up to 50 kg is achieved on the top tier. On the lower tier, up to 120 kg can be transported.

For assembly, the screwed supports are simply inserted into the recesses in the middle of the Rapid Desk, the trolley is unfolded and extended to the now maximum possible dimension. No further fastening or screwing of the support is necessary.

Product type
Rapid Desk extension
Accessory Set
415 mm
Height with screw
80 mm
Height without screw
35 mm
Weight (pair)
0.684 kg
Max load (each tier)
50 kg
Downloads & links
File size
Information sheet Manual pdf 688 KB
Spare part list Data Sheet pdf 726 KB
Tender documents Tender Specifications zip 89 KB
G-Rings Gravity Catalogue Catalog pdf 1 MB
Gravity product catalogue 2022 Catalog pdf 13 MB
Product images Image files zip -
Information sheet

Category: Manual

Type: pdf

File size: 688 KB

Spare part list

Category: Data Sheet

Type: pdf

File size: 726 KB

Tender documents

Category: Tender Specifications

Type: zip

File size: 89 KB

G-Rings Gravity Catalogue

Category: Catalog

Type: pdf

File size: 1 MB

Gravity product catalogue 2022

Category: Catalog

Type: pdf

File size: 13 MB

Product images

Category: Image files

Type: zip

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